Author: Marie Jones

AIM ImmunoTech(NYSE-American交易代碼: AIM)今天宣布,它正在積極尋找研究人員和地點進行安普利近的臨床測試,測試其作為由SARS-CoV-2新型冠狀病毒引發的新型肺炎的保護性預防和早期療法的療效。 該公司將臨床試驗目標選定在美國、歐洲、亞洲和阿根廷,並且作為臨床試驗開始前的必要步驟,目前公司正在徵集一個或多個國家和地區的一個或多個地點以及符合資質的首席研究員。潛在臨床試驗的醫療方案已處於研發的最後階段。接下來AIM打算尋求機構審查委員會的批准和政府授權,以盡快開始進行將安普利近作為保護性預防和早期療法的臨床試驗。 在過去兩個月中,AIM已達到幾個重要的新冠肺炎里程碑: – 在尋求國內外研究合作夥伴之前,AIM提交了臨時專利申請來保護公司的知識產權。 – 日本國立傳染病研究所(NIID)同意將安普利近作為新冠肺炎的潛在治療藥物進行試驗。測試和研究將在NIID和東京大學的實驗室中進行。 AIM會在收到結果後立即報告。 – AIM與“中國走出去”網站(CGA)合作,以促進安普利近在中華人民共和國(PRC)的臨床前及臨床試驗。 – AIM正在與阿根廷的GP-Pharm進行商談,以推進安普利近對抗新冠肺炎的潛在用途。在阿根廷境內,安普利近是一種獲准用於治療肌痛性腦脊髓炎/慢性疲勞綜合徵的藥物。 – AIM正在與myTomorrows和鹿特丹大學醫學院(Erasmus MC)進行討論——目前它們將安普利近用於胰腺癌患者的治療,以探索對安普利近進行快速臨床前和臨床試驗。 “自疫情爆發以來,我們一直致力於研發安普利近,期待其成為這種高致病性冠狀病毒的鼻內和口服保護性預防藥物以及靜脈注射早期治療藥物。”AIM首席執行官Thomas K . Equels表示。 “世界各地站在抗擊這一流行病前線的工作人員清楚,他們的家人也同樣明白,他們每天都在冒著生命危險與新冠肺炎病人打交道。例如,在西班牙報告的病例中,醫護人員感染比例高達13%。我的一個兒子和一個外甥是醫生,一個女兒和一個妹妹在做護士,三個侄子是急救人員,還有一個侄子是警察。這場鬥爭對我而言是一場個人的戰鬥,全世界無數人也面臨與我一樣的境況。在缺乏有效疫苗的情況下,研發如安普利近之類的早期治療藥物,可能對一線工作人員的健康和遏制大流行的蔓延都意義非凡。” AIM還在繼續等待六項正在進行的臨床試驗的結果,這些臨床試驗研究了安普利近對不同類型癌症的療效,目前實驗還在穩步推進中。隨著更多關於這些研究的信息披露,公司也會及時將最新信息告知股東和市場。為此,該公司今天向羅斯威爾帕克綜合癌症中心(Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center)提交了一份《材料調撥和研究協議》的適時執行修正案,並附有一份展示正在進行或即將進行的臨床試驗的證明。癌症患者是新冠肺炎的易感人群。我們還認識到,與所有醫療機構一樣,所有的癌症中心也都必須對這一流行病進行一級響應。因此,鑑於新冠肺炎的醫療應急狀況,癌症患者正在進行的臨床實驗登記和報告可能會出現延遲。 關於AIM ImmunoTech公司 AIM ImmunoTech公司是一家免疫製藥公司,專門從事治療免疫疾病、病毒性疾病和多種癌症的療法的研究和開發。 AIM的主打產品包括阿根廷批准的藥物rintatolimod(商品名安普利近®或Rintamod®)和FDA批准的藥物Alferon N Injection®。根據已發表的同行評審的臨床前研究和臨床試驗結果,AIM認為安普利近®可能具有廣譜抗病毒和抗癌特性。安普利近®的臨床試驗包括對腎癌、惡性黑色素瘤、結直腸癌、晚期復發性卵巢癌和三陰性轉移性乳腺癌患者的研究。這些和其他潛在用途需要額外的臨床試驗,確認支持監管批准和額外資金所需的安全性和有效性數據。 Rintatolimod是一種雙鏈RNA,開髮用於治療全球重要的削弱免疫系統的疾病和失調。 警告性聲明 本新聞稿中包含1995年《私人證券訴訟改革法》所指的前瞻性陳述,諸如“可能”、“將會”、“預期”、“計劃”、“預計”等詞語和類似的表達(以及其他提及未來事件或情況的詞語或表達) ,旨在標識前瞻性陳述。這些聲明涉及許多風險和不確定性。例如,需要進行大量的額外測試和試驗才能確定安普利近是否能有效治療人類感染的新冠肺炎,但不能保證能成功。部分世界上首屈一指的大型製藥公司都正在競相尋找治療新冠肺炎的藥物。即使實驗證明安普利近可以有效抗擊病毒,也不能保證我們證明其療效的相關行動可獲得優先權。又或者即使安普利近被證明是有效的,但如果出現另一種最終證明同樣有效的治療方案,我們的努力也有前功盡棄的風險。不能保證未來的研究不會得出與參考研究報告不同的結論。另外在海外國家開展業務存在諸多風險,包括在執行知識產權方面的潛在困難。我們無法保證我們在國外的潛在業務不會受到這些風險的不利影響。關於公司與安普利近的合作活動,無法保證目前或計劃中的試驗是否會成功或產生有利的數據,而且試驗受到許多因素的影響,包括缺乏監管機構的批准、缺乏研究藥物或贊助其他試驗的機構的優先次序變動。此外,許多因素可能導致計劃的臨床試驗無法啟動,包括缺乏監管批准或缺乏研究藥物。即使這些臨床試驗得以啟動,我們也無法保證臨床研究會成功或產生任何有用的數據或需要額外的資金。本文中所載的任何前瞻性陳述僅在本報告之日起生效。公司不承諾更新任何前瞻性聲明,以反映在此日期之後發生的事件或情況。本文稿並不會參考本網站所載的資料,只供參考之用。 聯繫人: Crescendo Communications, LLC 電話: 212-671-1021 電子郵件: AIM ImmunoTech Inc 電話: 800-778-4042 電子郵件: 資料來源: AIM ImmunoTech Inc.

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Cheer for the Hong Kong athletes who are prepping for the Olympic Games at Tokyo! Nissin Foods (Stock code: 1475) announced the company will join the chorus to support these local elite athletes through team-up with the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China (SF&OC) as the “Exclusive Food Partner of Hong Kong, China’s Delegation to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.” Although the Tokyo Olympics is postponed due to the epidemic, which has greatly affected the training schedule of athletes, by adhering to its corporate slogan of “HUNGRY to WIN”, Nissin Foods has decided to embrace the challenges…

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Registered Users of Flagship Product Warframe Maintains Growth Momentum; Total Revenue Reached US$214.2 million The global market leader in free-to-play multiplayer online games, Leyou Technologies Holdings Limited (“Leyou Technologies”, and its subsidiaries collectively “the Group”; stock code: 1089) is pleased to announce its annual results for the year ended 31 December 2019 ( the “reporting period”). During the reporting period, total revenue of the Group slightly decreased by 5.9% to US$214.2 million. Gross profit amounted to US$121.8 million (2018: US$141.5 million). The Group’s EBITDA was US$49.6 million (2018: US$67.0 million). Nevertheless, excluding non-recurring items of impairment losses and equity-settled shared-based…

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TOKYO – (ACN Newswire) – On March 6th Azabu Insights proposed a theory that coronavirus seemed to be spreading faster in cold countries than in warm countries. We followed this up with an update on March 11th showing that at that time the data was showing ninety-eight percent of the cases were all in cold countries. Since then we have had many comments from different people. One very respected business person who works in life sciences, told us he thought it was a, “multivariate problem,” and suggested that, “It’s possible, for example, that infection rate would be strongly correlated with people meeting in enclosed…

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Revenue Achieved Surge by 58.6%, Proceed with Hospital Group Business The board (the “Board”) of directors (the “Directors”) of Genertec Universal Medical Group Company Limited (the “Company” or “Universal Medical”) is pleased to announce the annual results of the Company and its subsidiaries (together, the “Group”) for the year ended 31 December 2019. 2019 ANNUAL RESULTS HIGHLIGHTS – The revenue amounted to approximately RMB6,815.6 million, representing an increase of 58.6% as compared with that of approximately RMB4,296.9 million for 2018. – The profit before tax amounted to approximately RMB2,211.9 million, representing an increase of 19.0% as compared with that of…

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Total Attributable Contracted Sales to Be Booked Exceeds HK$10 billion; Laying a Solid Foundation for its Profit in the Future K. Wah International Holdings Limited (“KWIH” or “the Group”) (stock code: 00173) has today announced its annual results for the year ended 31 December 2019. Adhering to its commitment to “Quality and Excellence”, the Group launched its premium projects based on its prudent approach during the year under review and recorded satisfactory sales results, mainly from K. City in Hong Kong, The Palace III – Le Haut and Windermere in Shanghai, The Peak in Nanjing and J Metropolis in Guangzhou.…

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Mar 24, 2020 – Cybozu, Inc., the kintone collaboration platform developer used by 9 million people worldwide, held a presentation on February 25, 2020 to announce its financial results for the previous fiscal year, as well as its business strategy for the current fiscal year highlighting its steady business performance and its future strategy for strengthening the sales system for kintone, Cybozu’s flagship product, in the Asia Pacific region. In January 2020, a new Business Strategy Office was established to strengthen the global deployment of Cybozu’s sales expansion. In particular, kintone, a cloud-based app for work improvement, is seeing steady sales…

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Adjusted Net Profit Increases by 28.4% to HK$91.9 Million; Final Dividend of HK9.0 Cents per Share Q P Group Holdings Limited (“Q P Group” or the “Group”; Stock code: 01412 ), the largest producer of paper-based tabletop games and related products and the second-largest producer of paper-based greeting cards in the PRC#, announced today the first annual results of the Group after its listing on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited on 16 January 2020. During the year ended 31 December 2019, the Group recorded a profit attributable to equity holders of the Company of…

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Tianyun International Holdings Limited (“Tianyun International”, together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”, Stock code: 6836.HK), a leading seller and manufacturer of processed fruits products in China, is pleased to announce, upon the easing of the coronavirus disease 2019 (“COVID-19”) outbreak in China, to echo with the Government’s initiative of “Progressive Resumption of Production”, the Group’s production and operations have gradually resumed since late February. The Group’s production bases in China are expected to resume normal production capacity in April 2020 which is very encouraging. The Group will continue to work hard on ensuring the normal business development and achieving safe…

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Greenbriar invites investors both retail & institutional, as well as finance professionals, advisors and analysts, to participate in a real-time, interactive presentation. Greenbriar Capital Corp (TSXV: GRB) (OTC: GEBRF) (“Greenbriar”), is pleased to announce that Jeff Ciachurski, CEO & Director, will present live at Grit Capital’s #ESG Investor Webcast Live on March 25th, 2020 at 1:00pm ET/10:00am PT. DATE: March 25th, 2020 TIME: 1:00pm ET/10:00am PT FORMAT: Live 10 minutes presentation & 5 minutes Q&A session LINK: This will be a live, interactive online event where investors are invited to ask the company questions in real-time. If attendees are not…

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TOKYO, Mar 23, 2020 – (JCN Newswire) – HC Holdings K.K., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Showa Denko K.K. (“Showa Denko”; TSE: 4004), (the “Tender Offeror”, collectively with Showa Denko, the “Tender Offerors”), as announced by the Tender Offerors in the “Announcement Regarding the Planned Commencement of Tender Offer for Shares in Hitachi Chemical Company, Ltd. (TSE: 4217)” as of December 18, 2019, decided on the same day, through the Tender Offeror’s representative officer, to acquire common shares (the “Target Shares”) of Hitachi Chemical Company, Ltd. (the “Target Company” listed on the First Section of Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. (the “Tokyo Stock Exchange”) under the…

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Starting from a meteoric rise to fame in San Francisco as an iconic fashion and street photographer, Christopher C. Lee has riveted the attention of photography lovers nationwide with the grand opening of his boutique photography studio, Christopher C. Lee Photography & Film. He is also renowned as a portrait photographer who is able to “bring out the soul” of his subjects, capturing them in timeless frames. Chris is the founder of Photomochi (, an acclaimed Bay Area production studio, the lead designer of streetwear label Troo Wear (, and the top-selling author of “The Japan Book”, a cult classic…

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