People often associate the end of the year as a time to wind down, slow down and get into the New Year celebration mood – but surprisingly, around the world, research has shown that stress levels actually increases during the holiday season, with year-end work deadlines, last-minute shopping, loneliness, and increased travel commitments as a large contribution to the additional pressure. With 87% of Singaporeans already experiencing high stress levels throughout the year, the number spikes further as the close of the year creeps in.

In the post-pandemic era, research has proven that there is an intrinsic link between stress, immune function, and vulnerability to illnesses. The higher stress one faces on a day-to-day basis, the weaker the immune function becomes. Increased social interactions, feasting and late nights also causes a strain on the immunity and overall well-being of individuals.

For example, the prevalence of leisure sickness, falling ill during or immediately after vacations, has been the focus of many researchers – why do people fall sick after a holiday break? Leisure sickness is caused by a combination of chronic stress, disrupted routines, and exposure to pathogens unfamiliar to the body from foreign lands, which have been shown to leave individuals with a weakened immune system, further underscoring the need for immune support during the holidays.

In light of the holiday season, LAC (pronounced as L-A-C), is dedicated to maintaining optimal stress and immunity levels among individuals, to allow them to fully enjoy and immerse themselves in the season of giving with its TriAction C 1000 – Timed-Release and its best-seller, LAC Masquelier’s French Pine Bark Extract.

LAC TriAction C 1000 – Timed-Release is formulated to support the immune system and help mitigate the effects of stress and seasonal flu. Packed with a revolutionary Vitamin C formula, the advanced timed-release technology ensures that individuals receive the right amount of Vitamin C, enhancing vitality and fortifying the immune system to stay strong and healthy.

Stress-induced free radicals can significantly weaken the immune system and damage cells in the body. Rich in powerful antioxidants, LAC Masquelier’s French Pine Bark Extract helps to neutralise these harmful free radicals, strengthening the body’s natural defenses, promoting resilience against viruses and maintaining overall-wellbeing.
