About Us

BusinessNewsAsia.com is an online publication that focuses on business news, investments news, finance and economic news around Asia and around the world. It also features breaking stories and trending events happening around the across the globe.

BusinessNewsAsia.com summarizes the top business stories in Asia to allow our readers a quick view of what is going on in the region. Our aim is to become a provider of quick business news so that our readers won’t have to deal with lengthy stories that take up a lot of time to digest.

BusinessNewsAsia.com features stories on institutional investors, hedge funds, venture capital, private equity, stock markets, currencies, foreign exchange, economy, regulations, people moves, breaking stories, insurance, and a lot more.

Our Team

Japan Correspondent

Akihiro Aiko currently works as a professional journalist in Japan and regularly contributes news to our website. She specializes in economic and insurance news.

Michael Chen
Hong Kong / China Correspondent

Based in Hong Kong, Michael Chen is expert in financial reporting, having worked for a business wire agency for at least five years. He currently works full time as Business News Asia’s Hong Kong / China correspondent.


Siti Nadal

Joseph Tan

Lydia Lim Lye

Robert Chua

Joey Lim

Nhadra Rohani


BusinessNewsAsia.com is a member of MarsMediaPH, an online media network operated and based in the Philippines. Other e-publications under the MarsMediaPH brand are the following:

Business News Asia
Business News Philippines
Events News Asia
Events News Daily
Philippines Today
Asia Tech Desk
Insurance News Asia
Hotel News Asia
Philippine Lotto Results
Business News Canada