Author: Marie Jones

The global coronavirus pandemic has cast the world economy into turmoil. Undermining the capital markets, investment institutions and investors have become more cautious. The current situation is unpredictable, say investors, and risk in new investment projects has increased significantly. At the same time, they could say that a platform that insists on being responsible for investor funds and caring about the development of entrepreneurial projects is invaluable. There is such a platform in China, the WOWO Innovation Camp. The platform was established by WOWO (Beijing) Network Technology Company Ltd in June 2019. WOWO has more than 9 years of headhunting…

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Pactera and Blue Prism (OTC Pink: BPRMF) today jointly announced an alliance via the Blue Prism Partner Engage program to bring robotic process automation (RPA) solutions to clients in the Asia and Oceania region. The two organizations have been collaborating in the implementation of RPA and intelligent automation services across a variety of industries and sectors, including banking, insurance, retail, and manufacturing. This announcement formalizes a relationship to expand the offering of digital workforce services and solutions to their clients across Asia and Oceania initially including the Greater China Region, Australia, Japan, Malaysia and Singapore. Blue Prism invented the term…

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.cloud顶级域的运营方Aruba S.p.A.今日宣布通过百余个全球注册商合作伙伴以亲民价格释放逾十万精品域名。这些域名品牌与营销价值极高,可帮助企业用辨识度极高的“.cloud”关键字后缀创造现代化的品牌身份,以及令人印象深刻的网站和电子邮件地址。 这批释放的域名共有103,395个,释放时间为2020年5月6日16:00(协调世界时),通过数百域名注册商及数以千计的下游转销商组成的巨型网络发售,可供立即购买。 此批精品域名列表专门针对全球各地商业用户的发展需求而定制。鉴于中国在世界经济中举足轻重的地位,以及.cloud域名在中国市场人气,列表中约有45%的域名为普通话和粤语拼音关键字,其余部分主要为英语词汇。 列表中包括大量适用于初创企业宣传其品牌与产品、大企业发布全新数字服务的绝佳域名。.cloud注册局针对云计算、商业金融、物联网、区块链、游戏等热门行业提供了数百个重点推荐域名。 .cloud注册局总经理西门扶栏(Francesco Simondi)先生表示:“我们的释放列表中包括众多简短响亮的精品域名,例如、9a.cloud等,这些名称很受中国企业欢迎。” 整个域名列表将以简明的9级价格结构发售。据悉,其中性价比最高的一级单个域名售价应在1400人民币以下。 .cloud注册局营销总监莫墨(Mou Mukherjee)女士说:“举几个价值超群的例子。经典中文拼音域名有、、shijie.cloud等,英语域名则如、atom.cloud等。” “我们希望为中国和世界各地的企业用户提供更多绝佳的.cloud域名,”西门扶栏说,“简明而亲民的定价结构将吸引预算丰俭各异的众多企业。” 如需了解详情,请访问 以及。 关于.cloud域名注册局 .cloud顶级域于2016年2月上线,目前已有逾18万注册名称,分布于180个国家和地区,其中2万名称属于中国用户。在各大主流域名注册商处均可注册.cloud后缀域名。 .cloud注册局的母公司Aruba S.p.A.创建于1994年,是意大利数据中心、网站托管、电子邮件、认证电子邮件(PEC)、域名注册等领域的领导者,同时也活跃于法国、英国、德国等关键欧洲市场。公司在管理数据中心方面拥有深厚的经验,名下管理着270万域名、860万电子邮件账户、670万认证电子邮件(PEC)账户、13万台实体与虚拟服务器,客户总数约540万。 欢迎关注.cloud的微信账户:Logo:

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.cloud頂級域的運營公司Aruba SpA今日宣布通過百餘個全球註冊商合作夥伴以親民價格推出逾十萬個精選域名。這些域名品牌與營銷價值極高,可幫助企業用辨識度極高的「.cloud」關鍵字後綴創造現代化的品牌身份,以及令人印象深刻的網站和電郵地址。 這批推出的域名共有103,395個,推出時間為2020年5月6日16:00(UTC),通過數百域名註冊商及數以千計的下游轉銷商組成的巨型網絡發售,可供立即購買。 此批精選域名列表專門針對全球各地商業用戶的發展需求而定制。鑑於中國在世界經濟中舉足輕重的地位,以及.cloud域名在中國市場人氣,列表中約有45%的域名為普通話和粵語拼音關鍵字,其餘部分主要為英語。 列表中包括大量適用於初創企業宣傳其品牌與產品、大企業發布全新數字服務的絕佳域名。 .cloud註冊局針對雲端計算、商業金融、物聯網、區塊鏈、遊戲等熱門行業提供了數百個重點推薦域名。 .cloud註冊局總經理Francesco Simondi先生表示:「我們的列表中包括眾多簡短響亮的精選域名,例如、9a.cloud等,這些名稱很受中國企業歡迎。」 整個域名列表將以簡明的9級價格結構發售。據悉,其中性價比最高的一級單個域名售價應在1400人民幣以下。 .cloud註冊局營銷總監Mou Mukherjee女士說:「舉幾個價值例子。經典中文拼音域名有、、shijie.cloud等,英語域名則如、atom.cloud等。 」 「我們希望為中國和世界各地的企業用戶提供更多絕佳的.cloud域名。」Francesco Simondi說:「簡明而親民的定價結構將吸引預算豐儉各異的眾多企業。」 如需了解詳情,請瀏覽 及。 關於.cloud域名註冊局 .cloud頂級域於2016年2月上線,目前已有逾18萬註冊名稱,分佈於180個國家和地區,其中2萬名稱屬於中國用戶。在各大主流域名註冊商處均可註冊.cloud後綴域名。 .cloud註冊局的母公司Aruba SpA創建於1994年,是意大利數據中心、網站託管、電子郵件、認證電子郵件(PEC)、域名註冊等領域的領導者,同時也活躍於法國、英國、德國等關鍵歐洲市場。公司在管理數據中心方面擁有深厚的經驗,名下管理著270萬域名、860萬電子郵件賬戶、670萬認證電子郵件(PEC)賬戶、13萬台實體與虛擬服務器,客戶總數約540萬。 歡迎關注.cloud的微信賬戶:Logo:

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SHENZHEN, CHINA, May 9, 2020 – (ACN Newswire) – Shenzhen’s Nanshan District has launched “2020 Global Cloud Shopping Festival, Trip to Nanshan”, from April 25 to June 30, to revitalize consumption and boost the district’s economy. The festival is issuing benefits to consumers in the form of discounts, coupons and raffles, delivered via online platforms. This event is organized by Shenzhen Nanshan District Industrial and Commercial Bureau (Bureau of Commerce) along with domestic internet giant Tencent and Chinese online lender Lexin. Hotels, restaurants, travel agents and other businesses in Nanshan are boosting their sales with collected coupons and discounts available…

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Infinito and Paxful have partnered up to bring Infinito Wallet users a safe, feeless, and fully peer-to-peer way to buy Bitcoin with 167 fiat currencies through over 300 payment methods at great prices. The two are also working together on a unique “investment competition game” for both new and experienced crypto investors in Vietnam, a key market that both platforms are setting their sights on at the moment. Infinito, the leading multi-crypto wallet for users to easily start investing and earning more with digital assets, today announces its strategic partnership with Paxful, a peer-to-peer bitcoin (BTC) marketplace that aims to provide financial…

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Increased global demand for home working and education has led to a surge in consumer expectations towards the quality of their home networks, and in areas where fixed networks are not available, mobile networks are alleviating user’s needs for fast and convenient coverage. Many mainstream global operators have lifted certain data restrictions on 4G traffic for users, and are providing employees and users with more reliable choices for smart connected products. Whether it’s online workspaces, meeting facilities, classrooms, entertainment, or communications with friends and family, uninterrupted network coverage without dead zones has become a basic need for millions, if not…

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Revenue up 10.6% to HK$884.6 million; and Segment results record double-digit growth for two consecutive years Nissin Foods Company Limited (the “Company”, and together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”; Stock code: 1475) has today announced its unaudited 2020 first quarter financial information for the three months ended 31 March 2020 (“the Reporting Period”). Revenue of the Group amounted to HK$884.6 million, representing a year-on-year (YoY) increase of 10.6% from HK$799.6 million. Gross profit increased by 7.9% YoY to HK$284.2 million (2019: HK$263.4 million), with gross profit margin decreasing slightly by 0.8% to 32.1% (2019: 32.9%), mainly attributable to the increase…

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BHD has submitted a listing application to Coinbase. BHD’s STO application with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was approved on March 30th. The application to Coinbase is the first SEC-approved STO (security token offering) project to be submitted, which may accelerate BHD’s entry onto the Coinbase Exchange. Coinbase provides varying levels of support for various assets. It supports around 20 cryptocurrencies and provides market information for around 300 cryptocurrencies, determined by market cap. BitcoinHD (BHD) appears in the latter group, which is not supported by Coinbase. Support for new assets follows the company’s Digital Asset Framework. BHD uses…

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注入頂尖技術及非凡品牌價值 突顯汽車出行技術解決方案業務戰略 力世紀有限公司(「力世紀」、「公司」;香港聯合交易所股份代號:860.HK;連同其附屬公司統稱「集團」)欣然宣佈集團正式完成品牌重塑,公司英文名稱更改及註冊為「Apollo Future Mobility Group Limited」,公司中文名稱「力世紀有限公司」維持不變。公司之英文股份簡稱將由「WE SOLUTIONS」更改為「APOLLO FMG」,自2020年5月13日上午9時正起生效,股份於聯交所買賣之公司中文股份簡稱「力世紀」及股份代號「860」則維持不變。同時,公司已採納新標誌,並將網址更改為,意味集團在積極拓展汽車出行技術業務踏上新旅途,亦顯示集團致力深耕技術創新的決心,力求樹立作為綜合汽車出行解決方案供應商的新指標。 隨著全球汽車產業升級轉型,集團洞悉市場的巨大潛力,並通過一連串策略性併購,成功拓展為綜合汽車出行解決方案供應商。今年3月,集團完成收購歐洲高性能頂級超跑開發商Apollo Automobil的86.06%股份,並透過整合Apollo Automobil及集團原有的電動車業務之技術,從構思、設計、建模、工程、模擬、原型製作、實際測試,以至將生產前原型交付予客戶,打造顛覆性的全方位汽車出行技術解決方案平台。 收購Apollo Automobil為集團注入頂尖的汽車出行技術及非凡的品牌價值。該收購亦進一步加強集團在新能源汽車及汽車出行行業成為一家全球領先技術解決方案供應商的能力。更改名稱將更好地反映集團的業務戰略及擴張,彰顯集團在未來移動出行領域佈局的決心,並有助提升其企業形象及競爭力。 力世紀主席何敬豐先生表示:「集團完成品牌重塑標誌著我們企業發展和轉變為綜合汽車出行解決方案供應商的重要里程碑。近期一系列的戰略交易表明我們決心成為未來汽車出行的先驅。董事會相信,全新的公司英文名稱和標誌有助提升我們的企業形象,從而對集團的未來業務發展帶來裨益及符合股東之整體最佳利益。」 關於力世紀有限公司 力世紀有限公司(“力世紀”,股份代號:860.HK)為一家領先的綜合汽車行出技術解決方案供應商,擁有自主研發的顛覆性汽車出行技術,並矢志通過整合全球先進的汽車出行技術,為「未來出行」打造全球領先的一站式服務平台。 集團於2020年3月完成收購歐洲高性能超級汽車開發商Apollo Automobil 的86.06%股份後,以全新品牌「Apollo Future Mobility Group」出發,並以兩大支柱開展業務發展路向,分別為Apollo 汽車 (Apollo Automobil) 及Apollo 先進技術 (Apollo Advanced Technologies) 。除了開發及銷售頂級超跑,以及以「Apollo」品牌進行交叉品牌許可業務外,集團透過整合Apollo Automobil及集團原有的電動車技術,從構思、設計、建模、工程、模擬、原型製作、實際測試,以至將生產前原型交付予客戶,提供一站式總承包汽車出行技術解決方案,致力為全球汽車出行市場提供無縫、全面的解決方案平台。 集團的附屬公司包括歐洲頂級超級汽車開發商Apollo Automobil和日本領先的電動汽車開發商GLM Co.Ltd。此外,集團亦透過投資全球首個3D打印汽車製造平台Divergent Technologies, Inc及領先電動汽車充電解決方案供應商依威能源,拓展汽車出行技術。 如欲瞭解更多資訊,請瀏覽

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Apollo Future Mobility Group ( AFMG; 0860.HK; formerly ‘We Solutions’ ) is pleased to announce completion of its rebranding exercise, and the official registration of new English Company name, Apollo Future Mobility Group Limited. The stock short name will become APOLLO FMG, with effect at 9:00 on 13 May. The Chinese Company name and stock short name will remain unchanged. Meanwhile, the Company has adopted a new company logo, and the website address will change to, signalling the Group’s embarkation on a new journey to proactively promote its mobility technology business, and its determination to explore in-depth technological innovation, aiming…

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Asian-based cryptocurrency company Bixin Global is launching a proprietary Fund of Funds valued at close to USD 66 million – or 6600 BTC Bixin Global, one of China’s largest cryptocurrency custody and mining operators, has launched a proprietary Fund of Funds amounting to 6600 BTC, or approximately USD 66 million. This announcement comes alongside the anticipated BTC Halving, as different stakeholders make various preparations for its arrival. The 6600 BTC fund seeks to empower global crypto quant funds by providing additional resources for liquidity providers and market making activities. Bixin’s Fund of Funds is BTC denominated with the main goal of…

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– Cyber tech company signs technology deal to supply 50M “COVI-PASS(TM)” Digital Health Passports to 15 countries – VST Enterprises signs deal with digital health technology company – Circle Pass Enterprises – to supply its patented VCode(R) technologies to create the world’s most secure digital health passport – COVI-PASS(TM) – Cyber Company is committed to working closely with governments & major stakeholders to deploy safe & trusted technology solution for COVID-19 pandemic. International Digital Health Technology firm Circle Pass Enterprises (CPE) has signed a deal with VST Enterprises Ltd (VSTE) the British cyber security company founded by tech entrepreneur Louis-James…

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BRUSSELS, BELGIUM, May 8, 2020 – (ACN Newswire) – Interactio, a remote interpretation platform, has partnered with the European Commission to connect political leaders and philanthropists at the international pledging conference “Coronavirus Global Response.” In the midst of the global crisis, Interactio assisted the European initiative in the joint effort to raise 7.5 billion EUR in donations to Gali, the vaccine alliance fighting the COVID-19. As strict quarantine regulations divided the states geographically, the common cause to find timely and affordable treatment brought the five continents together in a multilingual hybrid meeting. To ensure the precision and quality of simultaneous…

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Greenbriar Capital Corp. (TSXV: GRB) (OTC: GEBRF) (“Greenbriar”) is pleased to announce the following statement from our legal counsel in Washington, DC. Luis Baco, JD, LLM, states: “Greenbriar Capital Corp (“Greenbriar”) is pleased to announce that significant progress has been achieved in the past weeks towards reaching a final agreement with the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) on the revised PPOA for the Montalva Solar Project to be built in the municipalities of Guanica and Lajas, Puerto Rico. PREPA informed its Governing Board on April 30 that it has attained substantial progress on 7 of the 19 remaining amended…

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Blockpass and crypto asset platform Tozex have announced a strategic collaboration and partnership. One of Tozex’ highest values is ensuring the safety and legality of each investment by the investor community and conducted by each company on the Tozex Platform. The strategic collaboration with BlockPass aims to simplify investor identification and KYC processes in the crypto asset industry, as well as ensure full compliance with 5AMLD and GDPR. Blockpass provides a quick, seamless and comprehensive solution for businesses to conduct Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) screening that is intuitive for end-users, providing them with a portable identity…

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SINGAPORE, May 6, 2020 – (ACN Newswire) – CloserStill Media has announced that its Singapore Technology portfolio (Cloud Expo Asia, Cyber Security Expo, Big Data & AI World, Smart IoT Singapore, Data Centre World, eCommerce Expo Asia and Technology for Marketing Asia) has been named a finalist for Best International Show – Asia Pacific in the annual AEO Excellence Awards 2020. The AEO excellence awards represent the best that the events industry has to offer and showcases the amazing achievements from within the industry. CloserStill Media’s Singapore Technology portfolio comprises of 7 leading enterprise technology tradeshow and conferences, and in 2019, welcomed 21,897 (BPA-audited)…

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Spring version draws 1.4m online buyers, generating orders for SMEs The pilot month-long Spring Virtual Expo, organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) on its online marketplace Sourcing, concluded successfully on 30 April. It drew 1.4 million online buyers from around the world to visit and source, helping suppliers secure new contacts and orders. To meet buyer demand and mine the new sourcing trend, the HKTDC is launching a “Wellness from Within” promotion this month, featuring a wide range of wellbeing products on Sourcing. The HKTDC will also organise a Summer Virtual Expo next month to…

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S&P Global Ratings today released a report affirming its positive outlook, ‘BBB’ long-term and ‘A-2’ short-term issuer credit ratings on HTSC (Stock Code: 6886:HK; “The Company”) and its core subsidiary, while also affirming the Company’s ‘BBB’ long-term issuer credit ratings. S&P Global Ratings believes the Company’s risk-adjusted capital (RAC) ratio can be sustainably managed above 15% for the next one to two years, and thus reach its threshold for a potential upgrade. “The positive outlook on HTSC reflects our view of a one-in-three chance that the strengthening capitalization could result in an upgrade over the next two years. Our view…

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  The outbreak of COVID-19 impacts the global economy unprecedentedly. In this epidemic, the state has repeatedly stressed the investment plan of “New Infrastructure Construction”, which aroused strong response. The “New Infrastructure Construction” is comprised of seven major sectors, including charge stations for new energy vehicles (NEVs), which also highlights the importance of NEVs. The industry of new energy intelligent cars is also included in the development strategy of the automobile industry, so major global technology companies are investing a huge sum of money in its research and development. On April 9, Alibaba DAMO Academy announced that they have independently…

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