The Educational reforms in the country will all be put to naught even if we have the finest curriculum and best teachers and yet we have no adequate classrooms conducive for learning, said Department of Education Undersecretary Epimaco Densing III before the Association of Baragay Kagawad (ABAKA) in Sta. Rosa Laguna on Saturday.
Usec Densing is the Officer in Charge for Schools Programs Management Office and Educational Facilities Division revealed that there are 168 classroom backlog of more than 165,000 all over the Country. He reiterated that the staggering shortage has affected at least 4 to 5 million students nationwide.

Furthermore, Usec Densing also further revealed that contrary to the common notions, highly urbanized areas like Cebu City and Metro Manila needed more classrooms compared to those in the rural areas.
Before the opening of classes last year the Department of Budget and Management admitted that the government has no funds under the present budget. Due to this financial constraints in getting budget from the national funds, Usec Densing proposed of getting Money from the private organizations and foreign governments.
With the positive disposition and optimistic approach to the situation, Usec. Densing is very much hopeful that in due time the problem of classrooms will be resolved.