Buying a home is one thing, but selling it? That can be a different matter altogether. When you are in the process of buying a home, it’s easy to forget about the other side of things: the amount of work that goes into preparing a home for sale. Don’t worry, it’s not quite as complicated as it might sound, and it won’t be long before you find yourself with a home that you can be proud of on the Indonesian market. With Rumah, selling a house in Depok doesn’t have to be difficult, but you will have to put some work into it. Let’s go over the three simple steps you can use to make sure your home sale is a success.

Step 1: Clean your House

How many homes have you gone to see on the market? Of the ones that you have seen, how many of them appeared to be in pristine condition? The answer should be all of them, and you need to make sure that you follow suit. In other words, your house needs to not only look clean, it needs to look as if no one lives there. One of the problems with showing a home, any home, is that your possessions can actually put someone off of buying it. There is something deeply psychological about it, and we don’t quite have the time to go into the logic behind it. When you are getting ready to sell your home, the buyer needs to feel as if they could move in that very same day if they wanted to, and if the house looks as if it belongs to you, there is a good chance that they won’t be able to picture themselves in it.

If you can, try to rent a nearby storage unit to keep the majority of your belongings in. In addition to that it would be a good idea for you to have your carpets professionally cleaned, and even have the house inspected for issues that relate to infrastructure, wiring, and even infestations. You may know that your home will pass, but having certification from the government will help you to sell your home even faster than you might have imagined. If you don’t have that certification however, it will be much more difficult to make the sale, and you will need to pay for the inspector anyway. It is better that you look as if you are prepared ahead of time, and guess what, you are. Remember: you only get one chance to make a first impression, so get to it!

Step 2: Make Necessary Repairs

You’re going to sink some money into your home as you try to sell it, there is no way around that. The thing you need to remember however is that any money you spend is likely going to come back to you when you make the sale. If you need to replace the carpets, do so, and you should also check the home for mold as this will definitely hinder the final sale price. Structural integrity, wiring, and other factors will come into play when you are trying to sell the home, and of course, you should check the roof. The installation of a new roof, or even shingles will definitely make the home more appealing for the next owners. In other words, anything that they do not have to do themselves when they move in is something that they will pay extra for. This is a great selling point, and one that you can easily create.

Step 3: Find a Good Realtor

There is something to be said for making sure that you have a good realtor on your side when you want to sell your home. You could try to sell it on your own of course, but there is a good chance that you won’t get very far. Getting your home ready to sell will involve making sure you have someone on your side that not only knows the market, but that will be just as invested in selling your home as you are. After all, your success trickles down to them in a big way. If you’re ready to sell your home, especially in a place like Depok, make sure that you find someone who is ready to invest their time. Most importantly, find a realtor that you are able to trust – it makes more of a difference than you might think.

Selling a home doesn’t have to be difficult, just make sure you take the right steps, particularly those that we have mentioned, and turn a profit.
